Founding of the Regina Ski Club
Did you know this? The Regina Ski Club began in the 1930s when groups of young people took the train to Lumsden to enjoy ski jumping.
Club President Dale Hjertaas has researched decades of Regina Leader Post articles to stitch together the fascinating story of the early days of the club. You can read all about it on our Club History page.
Today Lumsden has a ski club of its own. Trains have disappeared and been replaced by buses. The trips are longer. Our ages range from 3-year-olds up to 90-year-olds. And ski jumping is virtually the only type of skiing we don’t do: We have alpine, alpine adaptive, Nordic and biathlon programs. But the same enthusiasm and willingness to travel to where good ski conditions exist are still part of our club culture. And it all goes back to those adventurous athletes of almost 90 years ago.
(note: The long-ago skiers in the above photo were not part of the Regina club.)