Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in the Regina Ski Club. To contact us please feel free to phone or email the president or individual directors and program coordinators as listed below.

Mailing Address: Box 551 Regina SK S4P 3A3

Board of Directors

Elected at the AGM held on April 28 2024

President Yens Pedersen 306.540.3111
Past President Dale Hjertaas 306.584.2835
Vice President Tamela Friesen [email protected]
Secretary Monique Pyle
Treasurer Dave Safnuk 306.543.9877 [email protected]
Assistant Treasurer Susan McGillivray [email protected]
Membership Dorothy Josephson [email protected]
Social Max Gao
Communications/Publicity Victoria Flores
Nordic Facilities Gregg Brewster 306.535.8213
Alpine Recreational Brent Rosbrook 306.535.7828
Nordic Tours Kim Smith 306.540.6767
Webmaster Lee Ubell


Program Directors

Elected at the AGM held on April 28 2024. Usual practice is for each program to nominate a Director to be its representative on the board.

Alpine Adaptive Gord Poulton 306.536.4958 [email protected]
Alpine Racing (RART and Nancy Greene) Kelly Lucas [email protected]
Biathlon Erin Tyson [email protected]
Nordic Youth Programs James Millar [email protected]

Other Program Coordinators

These volunteers are not members of the board. This is the list as of November 2023.

Jackrabbits Program and Coaching Coordinator Calvin Lai [email protected]
Nordic Lessons Brennan Craig 306.570.3775 [email protected]
Wednesday Night Races Sandy Bain 306.530.7524