Regina Ski Club

Track Attack (U12 / U14)

9-13 years of age

9 Month Program
In Province Competition
Summer and Winter Training Camps

What is Track Attack?

The Track Attack program is a program designed for skiers who are turning 9 to 13 years old by December 31st at start of season. The focus of the program is to help participants become technically competent Nordic skiers and use their skills to explore a wide range of ski activities. This program is for youth committed to improving their skiing and fitness and who want an introduction to training and racing within the province.

Track Attack will promote teamwork and personal interaction skills. In the fall, athletes will learn the basics of off season training through activities including: introduction to roller skiing, hiking, running, ski striding, body weight strength training, balance/agility and games. On snow, athletes will develop and refine classic and skate skiing techniques.

Go to Regina Ski Club 2024-2025 on Zone4 to register.

What are the requirements to join Track Attack?

  • Enthusiastic about cross-country skiing.
  • Fit enough to be active for approximately 1.5 hours.
  • Willing to ski for approximately 5 kilometers.
  • Willing to try new things and have fun.

What are the Track Attack program fees and what are they used for?

  • $400.00 per season (Fall and Onsnow Programming).
    • Add $50.00 for Spring Programming (May and June)
    • Deduct $100 for Biathlon Canada Members
  • Additional fees apply for supporting races, clothing, camps, ski equipment, other activities.
  • Approximately seven months of group training sessions two to three times a week.
  • Coaching support at in-province races
  • Ski waxing at in-province races
  • Race suit from the Regina Ski Club inventory (to be returned at the end of the season).
  • Part time paid coaching and trained parent coach volunteers.


Key Contacts:

The Track Attack program is led by staff and volunteers of Regina Ski Club:

Scott Brunskill NCCP# 6051156, Regina Ski Club Track Attack Head Coach
[email protected]

Mr. David Brock, Regina Ski Club – Nordic Youth Governance Director [email protected]

What Equipment is Required for Dryland Programming?

Roller skate skis are provided by the Regina Ski Club for athletes new to the program. After attending the first season, we recommend athletes invest in their own personal set of roller skis.


  1. Headlamp
  2. Fluorescent or reflective oversized shirt or vest
  3. Nordic hiking poles (length approximately floor to elbow height)
  4. Nordic roller ski poles with ferrules (length approximately floor to underside of nose)
  5. Nordic racing straps (attached to ski poles)
  6. Nordic roller skate skis (may also be provided by club when required)
  7. Nordic skate ski boots or Nordic Combi boot with ankle strap or related supports (ankle support is key for roller skating)
  8. Helmet
  9. Closed finger gloves
  10. Water bottle (on belt or in backpack). Belts and backpacks will be left at trailhead or loop connectors at coaches’ discretion.


  1. Elbow pads
  2. Knee pads
  3. Replacement set of ferrules

What Equipment is Required for Onsnow Programming?


  1. Headlamp
  2. Combi Boots with skate ski ankle support OR skate ski boots and classic ski boots
  3. Skate Skis
  4. Skate poles with racing strap (size strap for mitts)
  5. Classic Skis (waxable)
  6. Classic poles with racing strap (size strap for mitts)
  7. Hip water bottle (cross country ski style specific)
  8. Clothing – suitable for all types of weather
  9. Big Smiles


  1. Used rock classic Skis – while not mandatory, they can be useful for early and late season training – undersized is ok
  2. Skin classic skis – great for warmups before events while waxing racing skis and/or training days with variable conditions


The team will communicate programming and schedules though TeamSnap. Parents and guardians will receive invitations to join TeamSnap after registering.

Athletes are asked to attend a minimum of 1 weekend session and 1 weekday session per week.

COVID-19 Awareness: Parents are recommended to update the Team Health Check (TeamSnap) for their athlete the day of the practice or event.

Training Calendar

The following is our normal seasonal programming calendar and change during the season based on daylight hours, weather and inter-club programming events.

The schedules will be maintained and communicated to all athletes using TeamSnap. Programming begins mid-September and ends early March.

September to October

All training programs in September and October are traditionally dryland programming outdoors at locations in Regina and surrounding area.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
6:30-7:30 PM

Speed and Agility

5:30-6:00 PM

Strength (Self-directed)



10 to 11:30AM


November to December

Training programs in November and December are a mix of dryland and onsnow programming.

Weekday programming is traditionally in Regina and surrounding locations while weekend programming is traditionally in White Butte or destination locations like Prince Albert and Echo Valley.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
6:30-7:30 PM

Speed and Agility

5:30-6:00 PM

Strength (Self-directed)





January to March

Training programs in January to March are primarily onsnow in Regina.

Programming volume varies dependent on competitive event programming. Weekday and weekend training programming is in Regina and surrounding locations. Wednesdays feature additional on-snow speed development.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
6:30-7:30 PM

Speed and Agility

6:15-7:30 PM






May to June (Spring Program)

Fees are extra to base fees. Select “Track Attack Spring Programming” to register.

Training programs in May to June are geared towards group biking and paddling primarily in Regina and surrounding area. We will arrange 4 to 6 programming events in this season.

Programming varies dependent on weather and working around our athletes’ other sports (i.e. soccer, flag football, cross country running, etc.)

Programming is based on peer and team relationship development while learning new skills using muscle groups we also use in Nordic Skiing.

Responsible Coaching Movement

The Responsible Coaching Movement (RCM) is coordinated by the Coaching Association of Canada and the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport that has the potential to affect all sport organizations and coaches. The RCM is a call to action for organizations to implement realistic change based on their individual state of readiness.

  • Rule of two
  • Background screening (Vulnerable sector check)
  • Ethics Training

Yearly Training Plan

A yearly training plan will be put in place for the group as a whole. If your athletes would like a YTP more specific to their needs / schedule, please advise.  In addition, we would like to know if your athlete participates in other sports from September to end of March.  This will allow the coaches to better understand the progression of your athlete.

Date Location Description Age Category
23 to 25
Waskesiu* CCS Dryland Nordic Fitness and Assessment Camp. Nordic Walking, Bounding, Nordic Roller Skiing Track Attack U14

HP Race Team

7 to 9
Moose Mountain Provincial Park Southeast District U12 U14 Dryland Nordic Fitness Camp. Nordic Hiking, Nordic Roller Skiing Track Attack U12

Track Attack U14

Regina Run-Ski Duathlon Track Attack U12

Track Attack U14

HP Race Team


14 to 18

Lake Louise / Canmore* Onsnow Nordic Fitness Camp Track Attack U12

Track Attack U14

HP Race Team



TBD Saskatchewan Cup Series All Categories
TBD Saskatchewan Cup Series All Categories
TBD Saskatchewan Cup Series All Categories
11 to 12
TBD Saskatchewan Provincial Championships All Categories
19 to 25
Regina* Saskatchewan Winter Games Track Attack U14

HP Race Team

4 to 5
Alberta Youth Championships* Inter-Provincial Nordic Fitness and Fun Competitive Event Track Attack U12

Track Attack U14

*Events available to specific athletes invited with the following minimum criteria:

  1. Competed in Cross Country Saskatchewan races the previous season.
  2. Hold a current CCS race licence.
  3. Consistent and regular attendance at club level.
  4. Must be invited by Cross Country Saskatchewan.

Competition Funding

The Base Level Funding program is a grassroots CCS initiative to provide the racing teams of member clubs with financial assistance for their young and developing racers. CCS recognizes that many young ski racers need to travel to various races throughout the province. Race exposure for these young athletes is critical for their development to high performance skiing. This funding will be available to each racing team of a member club to assist in the development of their young athletes.

CCS will provide funding of $200 per licensed racer whom have competed in provincials and minimum 2 races.