Note: The WBT cleanup and barbeque has been CANCELLED. Fortunately, much of the maintenance has been done, and the remainder is manageable by the regular trail maintenance crew. Thanks for your interest in helping.
After an absence of three years, the annual RSC “trail cleanup/BBQ day” at White Butte Trails will return Sunday November 6 from 10 AM until about 2 PM, weather permitting. Watch this page or the Regina Ski Club Facebook page for confirmation November 4. We usually get 35-50 volunteers to clip branches encroaching over ski trails. Work clothes, gloves & long clippers are required. Meet at main trailhead 9:30…ish, form several small crews, guided by grooming crew members, for 2 hours work on various sections of trail. BBQ (hot dogs, drinks) to follow near the new trailhead shelter.